My Photographic Journey in Looe, Cornwall: Shooting Kodak Max 400 on the Canon EOS 300v

Embarking on a journey to explore Looe, Cornwall, was a venture into the heart of natural beauty and coastal allure. As I prepared for this photographic expedition, I felt a surge of excitement coursing through me, fueled by the prospect of capturing Looe’s distinctive charm through the lens of my trusty Canon EOS 300v (which I’ll do a separate review soon), loaded with Kodak Max 400 film. Looe, with its rugged cliffs, quaint fishing harbors, and winding streets steeped in history, promised a plethora of photographic opportunities waiting to be discovered. Exploring Looe Through My Lens As I prepared my gear, I pondered over theRead More →

Watership Down Mid Summer Sunrise

Embarking on a personal photography project inspired by Richard Adams’ timeless 1972 Watership Down masterpiece, is a venture both thrilling, profound and deeply personal. While I pondered ideas for photography project, the allure of this literary landscape has beckoned me to undertake a year-long journey, a visual exploration of the landmarks woven into the fabric of Adams’ narrative. This project is not merely about capturing images; it is an immersive journey through the essence of the book across the four enchanting seasons. Watership Down, a tale of resilience and camaraderie, has left an indelible mark on me since childhood. In this blog post series, IRead More →

9 Proven Landscape Photography Tips - How to Elevate Your Photography

Landscape photography is an art that transcends capturing mere images; it’s about freezing moments in time, preserving the grandeur of nature. Whether you’re a seasoned photographer or just starting, mastering landscape photography requires a blend of skill, creativity, and an understanding of your surroundings. Here’s my 9 Landscape Photography Tips. The Magic of Golden Hour One of the key secrets to breathtaking landscape shots is harnessing the magic of the golden hour. As the sun gently kisses the horizon during sunrise and sunset, it casts a warm, soft glow, creating a mesmerising atmosphere. Pro Tip: Begin your shooting sessions during these hours for ethereal landscapes.Read More →

low light photography settings

As I sit here in my cosy home in rural North Hampshire, gazing out of the window, I’m reminded that winter is upon us in the United Kingdom. The days are growing shorter, and the familiar scenes of Autumn are slowly fading into the embrace of this enchanting season. The countryside transforms into a winter wonderland, and it’s a magical time for photography enthusiasts like me. I’ve had the privilege of experimenting with various photography techniques and settings, particularly delving into the realm of low light photography settings. Over time, I’ve learned the art of optimising these settings, a crucial skill for any photographer, especiallyRead More →

Mushroom Macro Photography

On the border of rural North Hampshire and Berkshire, England, lies a hidden gem known as Wasing Country Park. It’s a place that holds a special place in my heart, not just for its scenic beauty but for the endless photographic opportunities it offers. On a recent crisp Autumn day, I embarked on a personal trip to explore the enchanting world of mushroom macro photography, armed with my camera and a keen eye for capturing the magic hidden in the forest. The Enchanting Woodland of Wasing Country Park Wasing Country Park is a serene oasis, a place where nature thrives in all its glory. AsRead More →

Mindful photography

In a world where the daily grind can often consume us, it’s essential to find moments of solace and rejuvenation. So, what is Mindful Photography? One remarkable way to achieve this is through the lens of a camera. Landscape photography, in its various niches, offers a unique gateway to escape the chaos of everyday life and discover the profound mental health benefits that nature can provide. From the tranquil shores of the South Coast to the breathtaking heights of the South Down, the South of England offers an array of stunning landscapes that can be your canvas for therapeutic photography, your mental health and photography.Read More →

Mild Autmn

Nestled in the serene, rural landscapes of North Hampshire, I find solace and inspiration in the splendid embrace of autumn. Living amidst this idyllic setting, I cherish the crisp early morning air and the symphony of rustling leaves as I embark on tranquil field walks for Rural landscapes in autumn. The freshness of these early hours invigorates my spirit and fuels my passion for capturing the essence of this enchanting season through photography. In this guide, I invite you to join me on a journey through the picturesque vistas of North Hampshire, where we’ll unravel the secrets to capturing the unparalleled beauty of autumn inRead More →

Captivating Autumn Landscapes in North Hampshire, England

Approaching the Wonders of Nature Through the Lens Autumn Landscapes in North Hampshire, England, brings forth breathtaking natural beauty. With the combination of colourful falling leaves, clear blue skies, and stunning landscapes, it’s the perfect time for photographers to capture the wonders of nature through their lenses. I will take you on a visual journey through the inspiring autumn scenes in North Hampshire, featuring three remarkable locations: Watership Down, Morgaston Wood, and the Kennet and Avon Canal in Aldermaston. Watership Down: A Picturesque Escape Watership Down, located in North Hampshire, is renowned for its captivating scenery and rolling hills. During the autumn months, this areaRead More →

Thames River

Autumn Season Introduction The 1st week of the Autumn season (2023), with its warm and humid atmosphere, marks the beginning of a captivating transformation along the Thames River. From Marlow to Sonning Wharf, this picturesque stretch offers a remarkable canvas for photographers to capture the changing Autumn colours and autumnal charm. In this article, I will embark on a photographic journey through this enchanting landscape, providing insights and tips for capturing its beauty. NOTE: Although not technically Autumn season until the Equinox in a few weeks time. According to the UK Met Office there are two separate dates which could be said to mark theRead More →

Newbury Autumn

Early morning walk along the Kennet and Avon Canal reveals a Newbury Autumn. Along the towpath I go, to lose my mind and find my soul. The walk started early, before sunrise and a little cooler this morning. A reminder that everyone needs a retreat, this is my retreat. Sometimes as little as an hour or two is all you need.Read More →

Fuel Your Inspiration with 6 Breathtaking Winter Photography Shots along the Kennet and Avon

I’m still enjoying photographing the very mild Autumn we are having here in the UK. But it’s time to start thinking about the Winter Photography on the Kennet and Avon Canal, one of my favourite short walks. Winter on the Kennet and Avon Canal just down the road at Aldermaston Wharf. The Wonders of Winter Photography on the Kennet and Avon Canal Walk at Aldermaston Wharf The Kennet and Avon Canal is a beautiful 87-mile-long waterway that runs through the heart of southern England, connecting the River Thames in Reading to the River Avon in Bath. This canal is known for its beautiful scenery, peacefulRead More →